

Információk a DAAD hallgatóknak, diplomásoknak, doktori fokozattal rendelkezőknek és egyetemi oktatóknak meghirdetett ösztöndíjairól, valamint további szervezetek kínálatáról.

Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Digital GreenTalent Award

Programme Description

Sustainable development is the cornerstone to preserving our planet for the future, and digitalisation is key to achieving this goal. With the Digital GreenTalents programme, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) supports the international exchange of innovative digital ideas and aims to establish long-term cooperation with the German Digital GreenTech community. In annual competitions, 20 Digital GreenTalents Awards are given to ambitious young researchers from all over the world. They will receive a fully funded research stay of up to 3 months in Germany at an institution of their choice, take part in a SpringSchool with workshops and excursions, and establish invaluable contacts amongst each other and with leading German institutions in the field of digitalisation and sustainability.
Aspiring young scientists are invited to share their ideas and ambitions with a broad public and to conduct research in Germany. The competition is not only about what you do now, but also about what your aspirations are for the future. The award does not fund research projects, but aims to foster individual development.

Target Group

Applications for the Digital GreenTalents Award are welcomed from Master's/PhD students, postdocs and professionals, inculding those from Germany, with up to 3 years of work experience and a strong focus on digitalisation and sustainable development with an interdisciplinary approach.

Academic Requirements

Current enrolment in a Master's or PhD programme, or a Master's or PhD degree completed no more than 3 years prior to the end of the application process

Number of Scholarships



Research stay up to 3 months

Scholarship Value

A high-level jury of German experts will help the ministry in selecting 20 high-potentials to be honoured as this year's "Digital GreenTalents". In November 2024, an online awards ceremony will be held where all talents can present themselves and receive their award certificate from a representative of the ministry. Afterwards, contacts between the talents and German research institutions and companies will be initiated to help each talent find the most suitable place for their research stay. In 2025, all Digital GreenTalents are invited to come to Germany and meet each other at the Digital GreenTalent SpringSchool, which will take place in the heart of Germany. The time and duration of the fully-funded research stay (up to 3 months) can be arranged individually by each awardee, but is usually linked in time with the SpringSchool.

Application Papers

The application process is conducted online through the Digital GreenTalents website. Applications can only be submitted via the online tool. All required documents, as detailed below, will be uploaded as PDF files through this tool.
Prepare application documents:

  • Download and complete the Digital GreenTalents 2024 application form. Save your completed application form as a PDF file. Please save the file as your name and application form: firstname_lastname_applicationform.pdf (e.g. "jane_roe_applicationform.pdf").
  • Translate required documents that are not in German or English.
  • Scan paper documents and save them as PDF files.
  • Please compile all the required documents listed below IN A ZIP FILE. Please name the zip file with your name in the following order firstname_lastname. (e.g. "jane_roe"). Translations, if applicable, should be placed directly after the original language document.

The following documents are required:
  • Application document
  • Complete resume
  • University transcript indicating final grade(s)
  • List of publications, if applicable
  • English language proficiency certificate (for non-native speakers)
  • Certificates, transcripts and translations may be scanned and uploaded in uncertified form. Certified paper copies of submitted documents may be requested upon approval.

Application Deadline

15 May 2024

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