

Információk a DAAD hallgatóknak, diplomásoknak, doktori fokozattal rendelkezőknek és egyetemi oktatóknak meghirdetett ösztöndíjairól, valamint további szervezetek kínálatáról.

Evonik Foundation: Evonik Foundation Scholarship

Programme Description

Research work (Master's theses, doctoral theses, Postdocs) in the field of natural sciences is eligible for funding. The programme's focus is on the active support of particularly gifted and skilled young scientists and includes mentoring of the scientist's academic and personal skills. As the Evonik Foundation redefines its key funding areas each year, the proposed research must match the content criteria to be eligible for support.

Target Group

students, doctoral students and Postdocs with excellent academic records and extraordinary research projects matching the content criteria of the key funding area of the particular year

Academic Requirements

Master's or Diplom programme or (completed) doctoral programme


  • Diplom or Master's theses: 6 months
  • doctoral theses: 2 years with an option to renew the sponsorship for 1 year at the most

Scholarship Value

  • Diplom or Master's theses: 250 to 600 EUR per month over a period of 6 months
  • doctoral theses: 1,400 EUR per month over 2 years with an option to renew the sponsorship
  • Additional applications can be filed to acquire specialist literature and to attend scientific conferences.

Application Papers

Please find the application forms and all information on the application procedure here.

Application Deadline

The key funding areas are published annually in January. Submission ends at the end of February of the same year. Funding will not be available until June of each year at the earliest.

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  • DAAD Információs Központ Budapest

    Madách Imre út 13-14. Madách Trade Center, A épület, IV. emelet 1075 Budapest Telefon: 06 1 / 413-7037
    Fax: 06 1 / 413-7038
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